Wednesday, February 22, 2006

what is a guid?

ok folks... i've seen your searches, i feel your pain... you want to know what a guid is well just head on over to this wikipedia page and you can read all about it...

if you're looking to actually create guids even if just to see one, well, here's an online guid generator...

what does any of this have to do with me or my blog? well, i got tired of various online services telling me that the name i'd chosen (often my own name) wasn't unique enough so in an act of symbolic rebellion i decided to start using 'place guid here'... it's kind of like a threat - i figure if anyone ever tells me that 'place guid here' isn't unique enough, i'm going to start using real guids... a globally unique identifier better darn well be unique enough (at least until the aliens come - then i'll need a uuid)...

1 comment:

defaultCharacter said...

Thanks for this. I was googling GUID and found your blog. I think a true GUID value is actually not possible. What's to stop someone from finding a pre-generated GUID value and just use that? That can't be stopped - it would no longer be unique. Haha.