Thursday, July 28, 2005

wake up and smell the . . .

. . . bacon...
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yes, that's right, wake up and smell the bacon... not the roses, not the coffee, the bacon...

wake n' bacon is a pretty neat idea, and at the same time a bizarre convergence of fatty/unhealthy food and aromatherapy...

i'm sure if it were in my bedroom i'd wake up hungry...

[via Gizmodo]

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

did i witness a dead-drop pick-up?

ok so this morning on my way to work i'm sitting on the bus, starring out the window, and this guy gets off the bus and opens an enclosed garbage can by the side of the road and starts pulling out newspaper...

now, it was raining this morning so i figured maybe he was just trying to get some newspaper to hold over his head in the rain (though this would be the first time i ever saw someone go through the trash for that)... he didn't hold it over his head though.. instead he laid the paper out on the ground and started rifling through it and all of a sudden out pops what looks like a DVD case...

and then the bus i was on lurched forward and i didn't see anything more...

so what did i just see? i don't know but it really reminds me of a dead-drop...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

more stuff i wish we could have done at my highschool

at my highschool we made tiny little bridges out of popsicle sticks... at this high school they made a hovercraft...

other people have all the fun...

[via Make]

Monday, July 25, 2005

isn't there something i should be doing?

i just had a wonderful realization...

it's late sunday night and i've realized i don't have to worry about homework that i may or may not have finished yet because i'm not in school anymore...

i often feel like times were better in school - less stress and responsibility, more opportunities to goof off...

obviously being out of school has some merits though, like no homework... (no rising student debt either - that's pretty important)

still, at school they don't bog you down with monotonous work - assignments are short and to the point and meant more as a test of your skills and ingenuity than of your stamina...

Friday, July 22, 2005

maxwell's demon

this article interestes me for one reason and one reason only... it tells me that if i ever do manage to get one of my crazy free energy ideas to work that it will be called maxwell's demon...

of course, there seems to be every possibility that it might not be the first one...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

say what?

shannen doherty was on little house on the prairie?
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holy cow has she ever changed...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

how can that possibly work?

here's a rather incredible story... a guy, fed up with his lack of dating prospects, stands next to a sign that says "Girlfriend wanted: apply here" for 18 hours and gets 93 phone numbers...

i would have never thought that could actually work... now if you'll excuse me, i have some signage to produce...

[via Fark]

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

oh, the irony

the wonderful, delicious irony... our friends to the south have suffered a terrible injustice at the hands of, well, their justice system... some asshats in the US supreme court ruled that local governments could take private property away from people (ie. home owners) in order to give it to commercial developers for building things like malls and hotels...

so how should people react to that? simple, try to use the new system that the supreme court justices have set up to take away the homes of those very same supreme court justices... it couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of folks...

Monday, July 18, 2005

long, long ago in a galaxy far away

obviously darth tater can't mash the rebel alliance all by himself, he needs an army of spud troopers...

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i haven't been able to find any other models, but i'm sure more are coming (because really - R2D2 was little more than a metal potato, and that's who the movies were really about anyways)...

bad apple

if the dark side took it's cues from apple it would most assuredly result in the Dark Side Switch Campaign...

Sunday, July 17, 2005

"I am a Japanese School Teacher"

have you ever wanted to travel abroad? to teach english to the unfortunate victims of our cultural colonialism, err, i mean, to well behaved students?

hmmm... you might want to reconsider that... maybe... i've known a couple of people who did it, and i didn't hear of any problems, but they were all female...
this guy isn't, and holy cow you wouldn't believe the stuff he's encountered...

now, i have dealt (and continue to deal) with kids so i know what kids can be like, but kancho? kancho?! i thank my lucky stars i live in canada - it's all about the tickling here, none of that kancho assassin business... and the kids grow out of it, too... well the boys seem to at least figure out that guys don't tickle other guys - girls are another story (i think that might be a power thing, i'm not sure, but even as adults if they discover a guy is ticklish then 'its on')...

Friday, July 15, 2005

counter-productive convergence

i can see how folks might like the idea of combining a mouse and a coffee mug into one thing, but there are a couple of big drawbacks - like the fact that you have to unplug your mouse whenever you need to go get a refill... also, how do you work and drink at the same time?
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[via we make money not art]

Thursday, July 14, 2005

boing boing rocks

i guess it's no secret that i read a lot of stuff over at boing boing, but can you blame me? i mean, look at this entry about a chocolate fashion show... even weeks later, i'm still getting a kick out of the "Milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not on your ass" line...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

the problem with social network sites

i always knew there was something fishy going on with social networking but i could never quite put my finger on it... well, luckily someone else has managed to do so in this article... number one just struck me as so true - there really is nothing to do there...

i know, i know, i must just be the most uncool person in the universe (next to the guy who was actually able to put this stuff into words the first time)... oh well, sucks to be me then...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

a new telepresent paradigm

this article describes a situation where 2 teens are connected to each other for extended periods of time via cell phones and wireless headsets... they aren't necessarily talking to each other for the 10 hours a day they're connected, they just go about their business and if one wants to say something to the other they can just blurt it out and get a response like the other person was in the room with them...

i think that's kind of cool, and if you add some multi-party calling into the mix you've got yourself the next generation of social networking - or the borg hive mind...

[via Smart Mobs]

body area network

awww, isn't that cute... now when new lovers want to exchange digits, all they have to do is pick up their phones and hold hands...
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[via Boing Boing]

Monday, July 11, 2005

finally an active video game that's actually cool

i've seen dance-dance-revolution in the arcades but i never could bring myself to play it... there's just something about it that seems really goofy and lame... but Kick Ass Kung-Fu apparently takes all the healthy benefits of dance-dance-revolution and packages it up with (surprise) a fighting game...
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as far as i'm concerned this is way better than dance-dance-revolution, but it might breed kids who are unstoppable kung fu machines...

[via Boing Boing]

Friday, July 08, 2005

time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time

here's a comedic catastrophe that only takes a few seconds to watch: Le Building - movie

[via Screenhead]

Thursday, July 07, 2005

can you spot the serial killer?

so there's this flash game where you're supposed to try and guess which picture is of a serial killer and which is of a programming language inventor... this is actually kind of disturbing... of all the people to compare with serial killers, they chose programming language inventors? did a geek steel your girlfriend, run over your dog, or beat you at arm wrestling? computer nerds are nothing like evil incarnate . . . usually...

[via Boing Boing]

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

not so dyslexic four

have you seen this defamer article? (someone snapped a photo of the fantastic 4 logo written in the sky apparently backwards)

can you spot the obvious error? well obvious to me, but apparently not the folks at defamer...

take a blank peice of paper, write something on it with a big black felt marker... now hold the peice of paper up to the window (or some other light source) - looks good, right?... now turn the paper over - <sarcasm>amazing, you've just become a dyslexic, and everyone is going to laugh at you for writing it backwards </sarcasm>...

so someone snapped a photo of the logo from the back - it doesn't matter where you draw the logo in the sky, there will always be some people who see it from the front and some people who see it from the back... that's not news, or even interesting - next defamer will be telling us about how the sky is blue and water is wet, only they'll phrase it like there's something wrong ('who spilled the blue goo in the sky?')...

answer: steve jobs

question: so whose a better person: steve jobs because he calls up a father of a boy who was killed over an ipod in order to offer his condolences, or bill gates because he doesn't make anything valuable enough to kill a person for in the first place?

there's a movie on my belt and everyone's invited

i remember last year there was this thing about tv screen's embedded in t-shirts... well now there is the TV-Belt (which is wide enough to be used by the WWF)... they're obviously not for the wearer to watch as the image is not oriented properly for navel gazing, but if you're an attention whore, this one's got your name all over it... they're supposed to be high fashion, but the only thing i care about is how many times a day can one watch the simpsons on it...
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[via Gizmodo]

Monday, July 04, 2005

i'm going to save you some time

if you're looking for info on the deep impact project (where nasa launches a big chunk of metal at a comet to see what happens) just check here...

i was mildly interested in it but i wasn't going to turn into the live coverage just to see that - and from the actual pictures taken i'd say i made a good call...

the animated artist's rendering is pretty cool though...

[via MAKE]

thumb drive followup

well, i blogged before about the gruesome turn thumb drives were taking, now it seems that there's a gruesome thumb drive for women too - with a manicure and everything...
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[via Popgadget]

Friday, July 01, 2005

words fail me

this is pretty much the most bizarre thing i've seen . . . today...

i don't even know what the heck it's supposed to be - it's described as some sort of rag-doll pinball but that doesn't do it justice... you have to see it to get any idea of what the heck it is...

basically there's this rag-doll which seems to be an animation of a woman in a bikini, and she's endlessly (unless she gets stuck) falling (lifelessly no less) through a space filled with big bubbles... and you can drag her around if she gets stuck...

[via Future Feeder]